So, being sick sucks. Not being able to hold my baby and take care of her is a nightmare. Thankfully, her awesome Nana and Aunt Mae have stepped in and taken such good care of R she barely knew I was gone. This weekend we got Daddy home both days! Darrell took Butterfly to the park today (her first trip without Mommy) and they had a blast. Gigi met up with them there and then they had lunch together.
Here are some pictures that Darrell took with our dying camera before it lied and told him the battery was dead and turned itself off. (What is this wannabe photographer with the cutest model in the world going to do without a camera?)
One in every port.

After they got home, Butterfly was playing with her kitchen (best consignment find ever) and excitedly pulled me over to see something.

She made her own dinner!! And it even has a green vegetable in it! I wish I had recorded her saying "french fry" and "broccoli." It's too cute.

She was very proud of her creation.

She's blowing on her food to cool it off. I think she's seen me do that a time or two thousand.
And, drumroll please . . . .
She finally said "Gigi." That would be Darrell's mother. I taught her by saying each of her names for her grandparents and aunt and then pointing at her and saying "You do it" which she did easily. Then I added "Gigi" and she said it! Now she just has to put the face with the name! We're still working on "Gampa."