since I last posted? Shame on me! I can't believe how much R can change in that amount of time. She went from just learning to crawl to standing, feeding herself Cheerio's, and pointing at things she wants (which is everything.) She went for her 9th month checkup today and she weighs in at 20 lbs, 6 ozs and is a very long 29"!! She's in the 90th percentile for height. I hope she's not like Mommy and stays taller than her friends until 5th grade when she stops growing completely. Crossing my fingers that she got her height from Daddy. Dr. Silverman said she is perfect, she will keep her gorgeous blue eyes, and told her to take longer naps. Mommy's hoping that hearing it from a doctor convinces her. Dr. Silverman also saw the beginning of her first tooth!! Hopefully, it will make an appearance soon. Or not. My toothless baby looks younger than all those babies with 4 or 5 teeth already!
Speaking of our pediatrician, Dr. Silverman's son is going to be on Jeopardy!!!!! Everyone watch the week of November 10-14 for Bradley from Alpharetta.
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