Miss R has absolutely amazed me these past few days. Even though she feels horrible, she has done something new every time I look at her. First, and most importantly, she finally said, "Dada." Her father has been waiting for that for a WHILE!! She said "Momma" months ago. Now, she says "Dada" constantly, and if I say it, she instantly looks around Daddy. Darrell came home last night and decided to mow our lawn. R couldn't stand to be out of sight of him, so Daddy had an entourage for the cutting, edging, and blowing of our entire yard while R pointed at him and said, "Dada."
She has also tried to put on her own socks (really cute), shared her food with Dante, held Dante's toys out to him, climbed the stairs while holding something (yes, we were still behind her), laughed and "talked" to other babies, pointed at the pantry when she heard the word, "Cheerio's" and learned to drink from a straw. She cannot stand sippy cups because she is supposed to hold them, so Mommy or Daddy holding a cup for her with a straw is so much better.
Unfortunately, she has also moved up her time to wake up every morning by close to an hour, so we're getting up at 6:30. She has to have bites of whatever we're eating, which means we have to start eating better, and anytime she can make a break for the stairs or Dante's bowls, she does so at an incredible speed. Sometimes she looks behind her to see if one of us is coming after her, sees us, laughs, and speeds up!!
It's amazing how much fun we have together every day. Being a mother is, by far, the most difficult thing I've ever done. But, oh, it's also the most rewarding. I get paid in open mouth kisses, smiles, giggles, arms reaching for me, and a head asleep on my shoulder. Things I never thought I wanted and now couldn't live without.
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